Qunkang Zhang

Department of Control Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University, China

Zhejiang University CSC-104

I am a second year M.S. student at Zhejiang University.I am a member of Robotics Lab of Zhejiang University, leading by Prof. Rong Xiong and A.P. Yue Wang. Visit our Lab’s YouTube or Bilibili channel for more information.

I received my B.S. degree from Department of Control Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University in 2020.

My research interests are 3D scene reconstrucion and optimization.

For more about my daily life, you can follow my Bilibili-秋裤qk channel.


Sep 16, 2021 A paper(Multi-Constraint Spatial and Temporal Calibration of Rotating Line Structured Light Vision Sensor) accepted by TIM(2nd author). :smile:
Jul 16, 2020 I get my bachelor degree! :sparkles: :smile: